e-Con's advanced Configuration Engine for Salesforce

Experience the power of e-Con: extend the capabilities of Salesforce or Salesforce CPQ with a robust and flexible Configuration Engine.

More power, more flexibility and a higher ROI.

Request a demo today

Who uses e-Con CPQ to streamline complex sales?

We have been improving our unique meta-data driven CPQ toolset for more than 15 years.

That's a lot of happy people!








Salesforce has never been closer to your value engine

01 Read/Write Directly to Salesforce Metadata Model
02 Lightning fast, even with large products & bundles
03 No Data Migration Needed
04 Manage lengthy specifications and rules easily
05 Multichannel Sales Enablement
05 Increase ROI on your Salesforce investment


Happy Businesses, Employees and Customers

"With e-Con CPQ we’re about to enter the after-sales market with time savings in service inspection and analyses from 8 weeks to just 1 week. e-Con CPQ will pay off big time!”

Boudewijn Rast, Group IT Manager

"Our more than 1000 dealers now deliver 66% of our orders online and these orders are 99.9% correct. It is no longer necessary to do a check or work order preparation. The order-to-production time has been reduced by 3-4 days, leading to better delivery terms."

Waldo Ragole, ICT Manager

“e-Con CPQ is a great application for SMT (Services, Machinery and Trucks) to create fast and flawless quotes!”

Heino Westdijk, CEO

“e-Con makes it easy to create and work with complex quotes and agreements in a short time frame. It’s simple to use, it’s got a great look and feel, and from the CPQ vendors I’ve seen, e-Con definitely offers the best value for your investment.”

Jaap Versnel, Business Analyst

“e-Con structures and organizes all the variables so that our dealers instantly know what combinations and choices are feasible and what’s impossible. Rich information, prompts and alerts, and a guided process will virtually eliminate mistakes during the ordering process.”

Dennis Veel, Head IT


Drop in a Configuration Engine as powerful as your business

Guided Selling

Smart questionnaires guide users through configuration to ensure the end result beat meets their needs.

Integrated Calculations

e-Con users work with only one version of the truth (Salesforce). Our Configuration Engine saves and updates results directly to the central repository automatically and in real time.

B2B or B2C

Users can configure items through a Partner/Reseller Portal or a secure e-Commerce Solutions

Contracts & Services

Based on a questionnaire, e-Con generates all necessary contracts and clauses for the deal Variables impacting cost, such as response time, product, importance, etc. are used to autogenerate the correct service fee.

Orders and Items

Generate BOM, Routing, and all Order documentation automatically within seconds of landing the sale. Just click "Convert".

Flawless Quotes

Our declarative Configuration Engine allows input of any specification at any time, automatically detecting when specs are mutually exclusive so that users can make the best choice, every time.


Experience the power of e-Con CPQ today!